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Thursday, 11 January 2018

2018/2019 PTDF Overseas Masters(M.Sc) Scholarship and PhD scholarship

The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), with the mandate of developing indigenous human capacity and petroleum technology to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry, invites applications from suitably qualified candidates.
Only candidates that meet the following requirements shall be considered for shortlisting and invited for further screening.

  • A minimum of Second Class Upper (2.1) qualification in their first degree or a Second Class Lower (2.2) with relevant industry experience
  • Must have completed the mandatory National Youth Service (NYSC)
  • Must be computer literate
  • Possession of 5 0/level credits including English Language.
1. A passport photograph. JPEG or PNG of not more than 200kb.
2. A valid email address.
3. Scanned copies of the following
- A/O Levels
- First Degree
- Second Degree (PhD.)- for PhD APPLICANTS
- Birth Certificate
- Indigene Letter

Under this scheme, candidates are invited to apply through PTDF to specific programs at the partner institutions in any of the three countries (full list of sponsored courses is available on the PTDF website: The award includes the provision of flight tickets, payment of health insurance, payment of tuition and bench fees (where applicable) as well as the provision of allowances to meet the costs of accommodation and living expenses. The programs will also include language classes to aid scholars settle into their new environments. Please note that the Fund will be responsible for obtaining admissions for the candidates to their selected programs.

Information Subject to Change
The policies, requirements, offerings, timelines, activities and fees set forth on this site do not form a contract of any kind and are subject to change without notice at any time at the sole discretion of the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF). Such changes may be of any nature, including, but not limited to, the content of any of the aforementioned.

Help and Support
Applicants should maintain a valid e-mail address during the entire application process, as most of our information is communicated electronically.

Interested and qualified?
click here to apply

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